Agenda Front 10 July 2012
- Private
2. Notes of the Last Meeting
- Information relating to any individual;
- Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
5. The Sunderland Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2012/13
- Information relating to any individual;
- Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
6. Personalisation – Update
- Information relating to any individual;
- Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
7a. Health and Wellbeing Board Agenda July
- Information relating to any individual;
- Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
7b. Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Information relating to any individual;
- Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
8. 50+ Strategy & Age Friendly City
- Information relating to any individual;
- Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
10. Update on Progress of Developing the Local Account for Sunderland
- Information relating to any individual;
- Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting